Saturday, October 27, 2012

Being Used

While we help anyone who shows up with a desire to stay sober, we cast a wary eye at those who receive a monthly Social Security check.  That's because a large percentage of clients who show up with Social Security disability have a pattern.

Those are the ones who show up the last half of the month, who are sick, broke, and homeless, asking for help.

And the rap is always the same, "When I get my check on the first I'll pay what I owe and a month in advance." But our experience has been – more than half the time - that they take the check and disappear. Then we’re left holding the bag for a couple weeks of room and board.

If they do that once, then want to come back, we always require them to make a large deposit before we let them in again.

We do have clients on Social Security who’ve been with us for years and it can be a good arrangement for everyone. They have a safe and sober environment - and we're helping an addict with limited resources to live sober.

But those are the ones who were ready.

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