Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Boring Life...

A non-addict business associate said my life seemed “so boring” when I told him how I live today.

In over 22 years I haven’t drank or used drugs. I exercise six mornings a week. I haven’t eaten meat in 22 years and follow a mostly vegan diet. I meditate. I work nearly every day – and I go to meetings.

I agreed with him that - by his standards – my life is boring. But by my standards life is absolutely wonderful for so many reasons.

Because I:
  • Married to the love of my life. 
  • Don’t disappoint others by my behavior 
  • Am able to maintain health. 
  • Work with other recovering addicts and have for over 22 years. 
  • No longer spend on criminal lawyers or bondsmen. 
  • Never worry about police kicking in the door - which happened countless times. 
  • Don’t spend time counting the days and hours before I’m released from jail, prison, or the state hospital. 
  • Don’t wonder what I’ll steal or sell to obtain my next fix or drink. 
This list could go on and on. But the point is that today I enjoy many of the blessings of life that others take for granted.  Pleasures and benefits I threw away because of my disease.

The kind of boring life I like.