Monday, September 30, 2013

God at Work

“God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.”  From 12-step literature.

When I was out in the world pursuing my addictions I thought I ruled the world, that I was God.

Maybe I didn’t say it that way because I was terrified that God might nuke me with a quick bolt of lightning. But I sure acted that way.

Everything I did was about me, me, me.  How I felt at any given moment.  My drugs.  My money.   My satisfaction.  My pleasure.   Oh yes, I had a veneer of kindness and sharing – but only when it served my goal of living in my chemically induced oblivion.

When I was finally cornered like a rat and scurried into recovery, things changed.   As I made my first stumbling steps into recovery life underwent slow, almost imperceptible, changes

No longer did I awake in fear.  I stopped prowling the streets as a predator looking for something to trade or sell for drugs.  My health slowly returned.

While at times I was tempted to take credit for the changes in my life, I was forced to acknowledge the truth: that for the first time since childhood I was living according God’s will, not mine.

God was – and is – doing for me what I could not do for myself.