Monday, September 9, 2013

Helping Others

At our monthly management meeting yesterday the group leader picked the topic "helping others."

And as the topic passed around the circle each manager shared his or her experience. And for all of them, it was about the many rewards of being of service to others. While each of them has a low-paid position that often requires them to work punishing hours, most say they've never felt better about what they're doing.

For the first time, self-centered addicts receive the blessings that come with seeing others change.

For me there's nothing so pleasurable at seeing someone who's initially very resistant all of a sudden blossom into recovery.

It happened again for me about six weeks ago. A young man came into the treatment program full of anger about having to be away from his fiance for months while he received treatment. It was kind of touch and go for a few weeks about whether or not he would be allowed to stay in the program.

But we continued working with him and reached out with encouragement. Within  weeks, he was a different human being. His whole demeanor changed and he started absorbing everything he could.

And each time I see him around the campus we see the rewards of our efforts.  Nothing better.