Our job as parents is to teach them to take care of themselves. To teach them to fend for themselves in the real world. But a lot of those in our program never had the benefit of being raised this way.
Many of the young addicts in our program never learned about responsibility.
Some don't know about basic things, like making a bed or cleaning their room. How to prepare their own meals. Or do laundry.
A lot of our job is teaching those in their twenties and thirties things they should have learned as children. Many of them had everything given to them.
And when they felt bad mommy or daddy made everything okay by giving them whatever they wanted.
And then they reached their twenties and the parents realize they can no longer deal with them. They find they have an adult under their roof who has the coping skills of a ten or twelve year old. So they send them to us.
Sometimes we're able to help addicts like this. But only if the parents stop rescuing them.