It's hard for addicts to stay clean if they believe they should always feel wonderful.
They don't understand that sometimes life is painful. At times it's sad. Sometimes our back hurts. Maybe we're broke. We might miss that euphoric rush of a drug high. Life has its ups and downs. And until we accept that idea we're not going to be happy.
Many addicts think that the right prescription might make life perfect. Then when they get it they find that they were wrong. It's not perfect. They're never quite where they want to be.
So then they'll go to the next doctor in hopes that he can prescribe the perfect chemical cocktail. It can be an endless cycle trying to maintain artificial bliss.
One of our biggest jobs at TLC is to teach clients to live in the real world. And sometimes the real world is distant from our fantasy world.
We teach them they must work. Pay child support. Clean their room. Be polite. Not threaten others. Some of the same things that ordinary people do.
Living drug and alcohol free doesn't always feel wonderful. But those of us who've found recovery learn to be grateful for life's ups and downs because it means we're still alive.
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