Monday, October 26, 2015


The subject of powerlessness came up at a meeting yesterday.

And I thought it interesting that we alcoholics believe we have any kind of power.

I performed a lot of important tasks while using. I ran the government. The CIA. The economy. A few wars. Fortune 500 companies. Most everything, including the lives of those around me.

But the reality was that I couldn't control my own life. I was so in control that I ended up in jails, prisons, and mental institutions. I lost everything over and over. Jobs. relationships, homes, businesses – all of it.

A major breakthrough in my life was when I admitted I was powerless. A huge weight lifted from my shoulders. All of a sudden I was able to focus on one thing: staying clean and sober.

There was a great sense of relief when I lost the illusion that I had power, that I was in control.

Instead I found gratitude that I was a lucky survivor - one of those made it to the safe haven of recovery.

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