Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Guiding Light..

Tomorrow, the 24th, is my sponsor's 39th sobriety birthday.

And I make note of this each year in this blog because it's important for those of us in recovery to understand the significance of having a guide, a mentor, a friend who has experience in the program.

I've never gone to him with a question where he scratched his head, and said "I have no idea of what you should do about that."

Instead he listens to my concerns, then gently makes suggestions about how I can resolve my issues. Much of the time when I go to him I believe I know the answer. But I bounce it off of him because I want to know I'm on the right track. Often, he simply smiles, and says "you know what to do."

He's been there for me at many crucial times during my recovery. He was there 13 years ago when I started my divorce. He propped me up till it was completed three years later. It was helpful to repeat out loud some of the things I was thinking during this trying time. He kept me from doing irrational things that wouldn't have been in anyone’s best interests.

He was at the hospital in 2004 when I had stomach surgery. During financial ups and downs at TLC, Dealings with my grown children. And later he gave me good advice when I was preparing to remarry – something I’d promised I’d never ever do.

So this morning I get to hear him share his gentle, funny wisdom when he speaks at my home group. And even though I've heard his story 20 times, I always leave the room inspired in a better life.

He helps all of us believe that there's a better way of life that we find in recovery.