Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Planting Seeds

When we started our outpatient treatment program some 16 months ago we added several components to the core counseling program.

Among these: yoga, art instruction, massage therapy, and mindful gardening. But because these were adjuncts to our counseling services I didn't think of them in terms of measurable outcomes.

And then, bingo, I get an email report from our mindfulness instructor, Dorena Rode, with an attached outcomes report. And the results, along with some of the client quotes, are interesting:

One client said, "I thought it was going to be instructive about plants. Instead it was spiritual and very helpful perspective of life and inner self."

All participants noted that the program changed them.

"...being more aware of thoughts, feelings and physical body and how I let it all affect me."

"I am more open minded... I wasn't really open-minded before."

"I now think more about my thoughts and feelings."

"It is hard working in the garden, but mindfulness is an experience."

Clients recommend the program to others.

"It is a good program and will help you grow and change."

"Give it a try, it is educational and fun"

"Dorena was an awesome instructor. I would recommend that anyone with the disease of addiction/alcoholism should experience the joy of MGP"

It's encouraging to read the above comments about the MGP component of our program. We invest time and effort providing services that help our clients make positive changes. And this program has proved to be a positive influence on the participants.

(A full copy of Dorena’s report should be on our website thjis week.)