Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Counting on Miracles

At a recent 12 step meeting the speaker talked of his early days in recovery.

He said he knew God was working in his life when he had a chance encounter that helped him get his old job back. A job that he still has today.

His tale of divine intervention is not unusual among those in recovery. And a common saying in the rooms is that we count on miracles in our lives.

In my own case I see the hand of God in much that we do at TLC.

It's a miracle that a disparate group of addicts and alcoholics - of all ages and backgrounds - can work together. Yet our people manage the largest unfunded non-profit in the Southwest.

Our success doesn't come without bumps in the road. We often lose addicts along the way. Some get into ego battles and leave. Others relapse. And a few find better opportunities. The reasons are many.

But the right person invariably shows up when we need to fill a spot on our management team. And it usually happens within a day or so.

Same with financial challenges. During financial downturns over the years we've always made it through.

Sometimes a landlord will cut our rent for a while. Sometimes staff members take pay cuts. Other staff members make personal contributions.

And because of this history miracles never surprise us. We count on them.

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