Thursday, January 22, 2015

Young Man?

Most days there's little to upset my serenity. I roll along, immediately accepting whatever comes my way. Life's pretty smooth after 24 years in recovery. 
However, once in while I get sidetracked when someone says something ignorant. And it happened again last week while I was paying for a cup of coffee at a convenience store.

As I approached the counter the cashier greeted me with a goofy smile. Then she said "And how are you today, young man?"

I think I looked surprised. Why would she say something like that? Because I'm over 75.

And I'm well aware that no one would mistake me for young because I have mirrors in my house. I can see the gray hair. The lines in my face. Plus I still have a beat-up copy of my birth certificate.

So maybe she was trying to be nice in a mindless sort of way.

But the problem with us old people is that we find such greetings to be patronizing. Kind of like telling me I'm old - but wrapped up like it's a compliment.

A nicer greeting might be a simple "Hello, how are you today?"

Now I'm going to go call my sponsor, who's a "young man" of 80 and see how he deals with these comments.