Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blacking Out

A friend I rarely hear from called me from another state to talk about his drinking.

It seems he'd run into a tree and didn't remember any of it. The idea he'd been driving in a blackout terrified him. He realized he could have killed someone. And he damaged his car so badly that it wouldn't run. The one thing he was happy about was that no one saw the accident and that he didn't get arrested.

Because he knew of my alcoholism and addiction he felt comfortable talking to me. He knew I wouldn't say anything to his family or friends.

He told of other experiences that made him question his drinking. He said that on more than one occasion he missed appointments because he had a hangover. And he'd made a fool of himself while drinking at company parties. He knew this hadn't helped his career. In fact it might have cost him opportunities.

Because of these issues he thought he might be becoming an alcoholic. If he wasn't already one.

Before hanging up he asked what I thought. But I didn't give an opinion because it's what he thinks that matters.

I did suggest he try a few AA meetings to get some free education.