Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Today I had another lesson in gratitude. I happened while I was at a clinic to have an adjustment to one of the braces I wear on each leg. It had been rubbing on my calf muscle until it created a sore spot.

Also in the waiting room were a couple of families with small children. A child with one family had a brace on her leg and used crutches to get around the room. However, she didn't let anything slow her down. She was easily keeping up with the other kids in the game they were playing.

The child with the other family was missing her left leg below the knee and also used crutches. She was busy playing with one of the kids in her group and moved almost as well as the others.

I had admiration in my heart as I watched them. And I thought back seven years to the moment the doctor told me that if I wanted to walk I'd need to wear braces. That he could do nothing for my neuropathy.

I remember feeling sorry for myself. Because for several years I'd run 5 to 15 miles a day for a workout. I had developed a fitness routine while locked up as a way to lower stress. As I grow older I've had other limitations put on my workout routine. And I was never very accepting or happy about that kind of news.

But, as I watched these children I felt gratitude that I'd been as functional as I've been for as long as I  have. These children may never experience the endorphin high of an all-out run. So they won't miss it.

But whatever life has given them they were enjoying themselves and in complete acceptance. And that's what a fulfilling life is all about - isn't it?

And I sent them a silent thank you for reminding me of that.