Sunday, August 8, 2021


Today our managers took a caravan of vehicles and went to an area of Phoenix where the homeless camp out near the center of the city.

It was probably a hundred degrees when we arrived a bit before 9:00 a.m.  Most of us had cases of water, bags of clothing, socks, tee shirts, underwear and toiletries with us.  We passed them out on a first come first served basis.  And within a half hour we pretty much had given out everything we had.

We didn't go there to recruit clients, or to tell them of the benefits of recovery.  We were there to help those who had less than we do.  And also to remind ourselves where we might be living if we don't continue rebuilding our lives.

As I drove home I reflected on how or why they'd decided to live that way.  I'm sure that some of them had mental problems or were addicted to something.  Half of them looked as though they might be employable if they were motivated.  

But many of them were showing the effects of living in tents on the sidewalks.  Clothes were sweat stained. They wandered aimlessly, going nowhere in particular.  None asked me for money or any kind of help.  A few said thank you, even though they knew we were there for our own reasons, which we were.

My thoughts were that we make choices in life.  And they gave to us by showing what can happen when we decide to live a certain way.

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