Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Look for Gratitude

Today I felt a strong sense of gratitude while I was watching a news broadcast from an airport in Afghanistan.

In the segment I was watching, hundreds of civilians were desperately attempting to board a U.S. C-17 as it was taking off from the Kabul airport.  They were running alongside the plane attempting to hold on to any part they could grasp.  Reportedly seven of them died in the process.

Now I'm not an ungrateful person by any means.  I have a good job, a decent home, a family and friends that I love dearly.  I have a lot to be grateful for.

But when I see others suffering, gratitude for my life comes to the front of my mind.  And I realize that the challenges I face are nothing compared to what many others go through every day.

I can't even imagine living in a society where people are persecuted for their religious beliefs.  Where women have to live in a bag.  Where they can't go to school.  Where they can't leave their house without being accompanied by a male relative.

The strongest tonic I have when I think I have problems is to draw on my reserve of gratitude and my problems immediately dissolve.

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