Monday, September 3, 2012


The speaker at this morning’s meeting said “I know I’ll never be a circuit speaker because my story is really boring.”

Then he told a tale that was pretty simple about how he started drinking, what happened when he drank, and how things got bad enough that he decided to seek help.

Unlike many in 12-step progams he was never arrested for driving drunk. He didn’t lose jobs. He didn't fight. He simply drank at home and knocked over a few houseplants.

Even though his story wasn’t made for TV, the plot is similar to everyone else's in 12-step meetings: what it was like, what happened, and what it’s like today. While details differ, the idea is that drinking was out of control and never got better.

The interesting thing in this speaker’s story is the quality of his life today. 

He’s says he’s happier, less selfish, and more patient.  He volunteers in the community. He doesn’t flip people off in traffic. He’s developed new friendships based on recovery values. Old friends from his drinking days have faded away.

He’s mostly happy with his new life.  And that's what recovery's about.

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