Tuesday, September 4, 2012


“We don't see the world as it is. We see it as we are.”  Anais Nin

We overlay the external world with who we are inside. If we live in fear, then the world is a scary place. Everything and everyone looks dangerous to us.

If we're kind and loving, we surround ourselves with those who reflect our values.

If we’re generous, we find bounty and prosperity. Because we’re generous, we do generous things. And the world gives back to us – usually more than we give out.

If we are friendly the world is full of friendly people.

If life is painful, somewhere and somehow we’ll find drugs and alcohol to help relieve the pain.

If we think recovery difficult we’ll find that our associates think the same. They may even help us relapse.

The outside world is a  mirror that reflects our internal values.

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