Friday, August 26, 2016

Planting Seeds

We never know for sure if the seeds we plant will grow and bear fruit. We never know when our kindness and help will make a difference in the life of another. But I did get some good feedback today from a former client whose been sober some 18 plus years.

And you know it was just what I needed at the time. I was on my way to the hospital with my wife for surgery on her knee. So it cheered me up.

It seems that this client - a man I didn't even know personally - had spent the last several years in the state of Washington working in the recovery field. Prior to that he'd been an assistant manager at one of our Las Vegas facilities.

His call was to ask if we might be interested in expanding our services to Seattle because of the drug epidemic they're experiencing.

While I had to tell him his timing was bad, I am interested in helping them in some way. Maybe we can help train their staff in the way we help people get sober. Who knows?

But the point of this blog is to suggest you give kindness to others. You never know what kind of seeds you're planting.