Monday, August 15, 2016

The Blues

Since the early days 0f TLC we've offered a "Blue Shirt” program. Those wearing blue shirts are residents who have made at least a year commitment to stay and work for the program. Those who have made this commitment are willing to do whatever is asked of them for at least a year.

If a supervisor shows up in the middle of the night and asks a blue shirt to pack his or her bags they ask no questions - they just get busy and and do it. They may need to fill in for a manager who is sick or one who has just disappeared. Their help could be needed for any reason at all.

But, after 20 years of working as blue shirts many are getting too old to answer this spontaneous call for help. So what to do? So far no decisions have been made.

We're thinking of creating a new colored shirt that would indicate a resident was more of an honorary shirt because he could no longer fulfill the responsibilities of a blue shirt. But that he had served with honor for years.

We’ll figure it out; it’s just going to take a while.