Sunday, August 7, 2016

Out of Synch

I know I'm out of sync with the rest of the planet. And that's because I don't have a Face Book or Linked In account. And I don't tweet and do any of that other social network stuff.

Someone set me up with one time. But I closed it within a day. I started getting all kinds of messages from people I barely knew. Somehow my computer found my contact list and started sending them invitations. I realized right away that spending an extra half hour a day writing to people I barely knew wasn't for me.

Plus, I don't care what other people have for lunch or what wonderful gadget they just purchased.

I heard a guy talking on the radio about how many followers he had - somewhere in the thousands. How does he keep track of all that? And who cares how many names you collect? You'e still the same likeable or unlikable person you were before.  The digital world can even be dangerous; I read about a tourist who fell into the Grand Canyon while take a "selfie" last week.

Many years ago - long before the digital revolution – an author wrote that computers would create a new world. No one would know what to do with their time because computers would be doing everything.

However, today, most of us are busier than we ever were. We're unable to take a real vacation because we're always in touch with the office.  And we barely have time to talk because we're not present; we're on our phones.

That's why I want nothing that takes more of my time. It’s hard enough to keep up with the life I have now.

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