"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." Buddha
I came across this saying a few days ago while reading about anger.
And anger was on my mind because an upset parent who didn't get their way dropped the "F-bomb“ on me about five times. Then she finished me off with a "mo-fo."
Needless to say, the depth of her anger took me by surprise. It's rare that my communication with anyone these days descends to profanity.
And maybe I took it as a personal failure because I try to never let a conversation take the turn this one did. But it is what it is.
In any event, anger has never been productive for me. In my younger years outbursts of anger ensued when I didn’t get what I wanted when I wanted. And what followed was a lot of drugs or alcohol to assuage my feelings.
For addicts and alcoholics anger is the toxin we must run from as if it were a real poison.
Today, when I encounter an angry person I extend compassion because I know they're suffering and in pain. And I silently thank them for re-enforcing my commitment to live a life of calm and peace.
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