“Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw the mud, the other saw stars.” ― Dale Carnegie, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.
This short quote exemplifies how our attitude shapes what we see.
Some clients come to us from jail or the streets and are happy to have a home where they can work on recovery. They are grateful for our modest housing and simple meals.
Others come to us, maybe kicked off mommy's couch, and are pissed off about everything. They hate the food. They don't want to work. No one's going to tell them what to do.
And, of course, you can guess who has the best chance of succeeding.
In early recovery I was grateful to those who took me into their halfway house. I had nothing. No money. No job. No car. Just the clothes on my back.
The idea that other addicts in recovery would reach out and help me, changed my life. My first year in recovery I worked an outside job and worked for them as a volunteer manager.
My attitude was - and still is - one of gratitude that I have a chance at a full life.
And that attitude has brought me many blessings.
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