An important quality for success is treating others well.
This comes up because a former friend - someone I've known for over 30 years - is having business challenges.
The challenges aren't financial. They're not because the economy is bad. The challenges stem from the way this person treats others.
No one wants to work for this person - even though the pay is great. Recently the entire management team quit because of the stress. The emotional and psychological abuse. The constant drama.
In the same vein, another former friend has lost virtually everything in the past three years. Home. Business. Professional license. Husband. Friends. No one wants to be around this person because of the cloud of anger and resentment around her - the way she treats them. No one can deal with her bitterness.
When I started hearing of their problems I wasn't shocked. Instead, I have a sense of sadness. I hate to see those with talent and ability sabotage their lives because of anger and resentment. Because of how they treat those close to them.
People are willing to step up when we treat them well. When we're kind and compassionate. When we treat them with respect and dignity - no matter where they come from or what kind of screwed up things they do.
TLC survived four rough years during the downturn because most of our employees took a 10% pay cut. They also gave up their bonuses. And they didn't do that because they were treated unkindly. They did it because they are treated with love and respect by those who run our company.
Treating others well is the key to success in every area of life. Try it.
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