Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mama Drama

Yesterday a mother wrote with a complaint. It seems that her son disappeared from a TLC halfway house around New Year's. And he left his personal belongings behind.

The mother called later and said she'd be down in "a day or two" to collect his things.

However, when she showed up, she seemed angry. One thing that upset her was that we'd removed his clothing and shoes from the locker he used while with us. She thought we should have left them there until she had time to pick them up. Apparently she didn't think about anyone needing that locker space.

She gave the manager a hard time, then left with her son's things. But then called five minutes later and said that many items were missing. Among them, two pair of Nikes worth $300.00 and several brand new hygiene items. This, in spite of the fact that when she left his Nikes were on top of the bag she carried to her car.

Besides complaining about the clothes, she also said we racially discriminate. She said we put "men of color" in our shabbier houses and let the whites stay in the nice houses.

She was so angry that she said she's going to contact everyone she possibly can. Clear up to the governor's office.

There was a time when complaints like hers would upset me. But I've come to realize that being the parent of an addict is stressful. And sometimes parents take their frustration out on those who are trying to help.

Hopefully her son will one day get into recovery and she won’t have to get involved in this kind of drama.

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