Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tenth Step

One of the best ways to stay out of trouble is by using the 10th step.

For me nothing works better than a quick apology when I do something I think is even slightly wrong.

If I cut someone off in traffic I usually wave an apology to them immediately. That puts the incident behind me.

My experience in my early years was to hang on to a grudge. Hoping the other person would see the error of their ways and apologize to me.

But I've discovered that nothing is worth being uptight about. Do I want to carry baggage around about a perceived wrong? Life offers enough challenges with just meeting our responsibilities. Why add to life's burdens by stirring a bunch of junk around in our heads? Or in our hearts?

And the interesting thing is that when I admit I'm wrong it disarms the other person. And they're more than willing to forgive and forget.

Anger and resentment seems to hang on forever. But admitting we're wrong somehow has a soothing effect that can change our day.

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