Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Summer Time

While talking to someone yesterday in an Eastern city they ask how we're able to endure the Arizona summers. I think our night-time low was their daytime high for the previous day.

And I gave my usual answer. "We do the same thing in the summer here that you do in the winter there. We stay inside when it gets too intense." In other words we adapt.

When one opens the door here on the first 110 degree day it's like walking into a blast furnace from hell. But then the next day doesn't have quite the same impact. And within a week or so hot just seems normal.

One upside is that my pool is perfect clear through October. The streets aren't packed with winter visitors. And most of those who work outside try to quit by midday.

Another upside is that unless you're really important, casual wear is mandatory. Only extremely important people wear ties around here in the summer.

And the halfway house program gets prepared for a population increase. It's just a little too hot to live on the streets here June through August. Staying high and living outdoors here in the summer is extremely risky - though there are those who can't fight the compulsion.