The only thing I can do to try to help them is to tell about my own experience.
How my use of drugs affected my life. How I lived in cages for years. About being homeless. About losing everything over and over again. About starting businesses and relationships – then losing it all.
I'm not sure they hear me when I tell him that they are powerless over their child. That they have to let them get enough pain in their life. Then maybe they will change. Hopefully before it's too late.
Weaning ourselves off of drugs is painful.
And that's why I tell parents not to help their children while they are using. Send them to treatment, but do nothing more.
Don't feed them. Don't drive them anywhere. Don't bail them out of jail. Don't loan them money.
Let them start paying for their lifestyle right away. Let them suffer while they're young.
The pain of their lifestyle will make them change quicker than anything else.
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