Many of our clients have a belief system that hinders their chances of getting sober.
If I think I'm worthless and will never amount to anything, I’m right.
We find this value system embedded in our subconscious. A system of beliefs that guide our lives.
It's pretty much like the autonomic system that guides our complex nervous system. Only this one guides our behaviors.
Our parents might have given us the message that we were worthless when we were children. If we hear that message repeatedly we might live our lives doing worthless things. It's not unnatural. We're simply following our programming.
We may turn to alcohol, drugs, sex, or crime as ways to express that worthlessness.
The good news is we can change our programming. We can start feeding our subconscious positive messages. Maybe through visualization, prayer, or hypnosis.
We can reprogram our subconscious by using the 12-step programs. Attending meetings helps override bad programming. The kind that makes us want to kill ourselves with drugs or alcohol.
If we work hard at change we will. If we can get rid of these old messages we can live the happy and productive life God designed us for.