I have a habit of following the news every day. Not each page. But the parts of it that interest me. Most guys I know who read the newspaper only do it to keep up with sports - but that's about it.
If they're in business they'll follow the business or real estate pages. But most people I know don't read it at all.
It's too negative. Or it reminds them how much the world sucks. Or they say it makes them "depressed." It brings them down.
But my viewpoint is different. I don't care much about sports, but I do like to know what's going in business, technology, politics, science and world affairs.
I don't let so-called "news" bring me down. But I think we need to be reminded that our world can be a dangerous and unpredictable place. And to be mentally prepared for whatever happens.
I think we need to understand government, political and business trends so we're not surprised when the world turns upside down.
I love to watch "man on the street interviews." I've seen shows that demonstrate how little we know about the world we live in. Last week I saw an interviewer on a college campus who encountered a girl who didn't know who the vice-president was. Or what the three branches of government are.
I know there are depressing things in the news. But we don't have to internalize them.
But the more we know about the world the more we can relax when the unexpected happens.