I don't need one that holds a terabyte or two of memory. Or that does a lot of things with pictures. Or is super fast. Though I guess those things have their uses at times.
About the only thing I do with pictures is upload them to our website. and when I'm done with them I trash them. I don't need much speed for anything I do.
One computer program that was problematic for me was Windows 8. So I finally got rid of it and reverted to Windows 7, which really served my needs well. But, finally it began to have a few problems with the email, so I thought I'd get a new laptop that had Windows 10 on it. Mainly because the reports about it seemed quite favorable. Much better than Windows 8 and so forth.
So then, always the optimist, I got one as a Christmas present to myself.
And once again I find myself learning about all the new features it offers. And this time I've promised myself to be patient and learn to use them regardless how frustrating it may be at times.
Part of being sober for me is being calm and taking my time. I'm sure I'll get my share of practice with this new machine.