Saturday, October 15, 2011

Good Luck, Michael

Thursday, October 13, at our Roosevelt facility we honored manager Mike B., who’s leaving TLC to resume his life in the community. We presented him with a framed blue shirt to commemorate his service to our recovery community.

Selfishness and self-centeredness says we don’t want him to go. And that’s a genuine sentiment because it’s difficult to find men with the street cred and the temperament to direct the lives of 100 plus addicts and alcoholics. It was a rare addict who could get over on Michael because there weren’t many games he hadn’t played himself. Yet Michael did the job with diligence and toughness - mixed with sensitivity.

It wasn’t always that way with Michael. He failed at TLC a few times before he entered the Hard Six program. At times it was touch and go as to whether he would complete the program. Yet he stuck it out and did the hard things that make an addict successful if he doesn’t give up.

Later, when our staff recommended him for a management position, I thought it was a bit of a stretch. It’s one thing to stay sober at TLC. It’s another to supervise a group of sometimes resentful, angry substance abusers who see the manager as a moving target. But Michael stepped up and did the job.

Within hours he knew each new man who entered the house. He knew his family history. He knew his job skills. He knew if he was going to meetings and had a sponsor. He had the intensity to help others that makes a good manager.

We wish him well in his new life. Michael’s an example of what TLC is all about.

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