Friday, October 7, 2011

Grow New Legs?

 Standing in the supermarket checkout line I noticed a headline in the National Enquirer that read “Amputee Grows New Legs.”

I laughed because it reminded me of a phrase from the literature, “We are like men who have lost their legs, they never grow new ones.”

Even though I knew the Enquirer headline was only an attention getter, for a split second my mind went to the idea that maybe I could drink again. Just for a fleeting second that thought crossed my mind.

And while I didn’t follow through, it demonstrates the vulnerability of us addicts and alcoholics – the baffling part of our disease. It’s always with us, lurking in the shadows of our being, waiting for an opportunity to express itself.

We see those at meetings those with 20 or more years of sobriety who’ve relapsed - and return to report it was worse than ever. Generally they say they let their guard down or were spiritually vulnerable -  had no defense. Before they knew it the madness had returned. Vigilance is our defense, that and the life skills we learn from attending 12-step meetings.

We can insure ourselves by going to meetings, reading the literature, living by the wisdom that’s in the book. But it takes action.

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