But if your children aren't addicts, and you don't want them to become one, read on.
As you're raising your children don't give them everything. Don't spoil them, thinking that you're being a good parent.
Instead, let them be responsible. If they want stuff, make them do something to get it.
Have them behave a certain way to earn what they want. For example, if they want a car, let them work part time. Maybe do chores. Keep a certain grade average. Something so they don't get the idea that they're entitled to whatever they want.
If they want an education, let them be responsible for part of the costs.
And I say this to make a point. Most of the addicts we treat have a sense of entitlement. Someone gave them everything.
They haven't been responsible. They haven't paid bills. They haven't worked.
They've just put their hand out and mommy or daddy puts something in it.
And then when they figure that out that the child is an addict they try to buy their way out of that too. They spend thousands on treatment. And often that doesn't work.
If you, as a parent, don't want to go down this road, teach your children responsibility. They may think you're a jerk, or unloving.
But later on they'll thank you for helping them to become self-sufficient.