Applying this saying to our lives will change our viewpoint.
Many of us addicts think we must always feel good. No pain. No discomfort. No displeasure. No opposition.
Before my addiction brought me crashing down I knew how to feel wonderful. Another bottle. Another shot of heroin. Another line. Instant feel good.
But then life presented me with reality in the form of jail, hospital, divorce and other unhappiness.
And now that I've reached this point I must accept that I'm not always going to have it my way. Challenges show up.
Maybe they're financial. Maybe health issues. No matter what, my attitude determines the outcome.
If I look at what goes on in my life as part of the normal cycle of living then I do well. But if I go into baby mode and start whining who knows what I'll do to feel good?
It's all about my attitude.