Looked at the calendar this morning. It's February. Really? Already? But Christmas was last week. Or so it seems.
One twelfth of the year gone already. 31 days. Quick.
For those who made resolutions where are you at with them? Still hitting the gym? Eating right? Lost weight? Give up smoking? Hmmm...
Or have you started to say "manana." I'll do it tomorrow. Maybe thinking you took on too much.
I understand. Abrupt change is difficult. I've been there. It's easier to stay with a known misery than take a chance on an unknown joy.
If you want effective change, start slow. Do it in increments. Tiny steps. Gradual changes work.
Because it's not painful.
It's not a big deal to smoke one less cigarette a day. Quit one bad food at a time. Maybe start with no added sugar. Or else no fast food. Nothing out of a package. Or maybe don't eat food with your fingers; use a fork. Don't eat while watching TV.
Changing slowly is not a shock to our psyche, to our bodies. As we flow along with slow change one day we realize we're at our goal. We like the way we look and feel.
A final aspect of this is to not beat ourselves down if we backslide and eat some crappy food. Or smoke an extra frajo. Instead, we keep our eye on the goal and keep our incremental change going.
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