That means yoga, aerobics, or weights 45 minutes or more six days a week. No meat. No junk food. No sodas. Few sweets of any kind. No smoking. Mindfulness meditation.
And, it works for me. As I approach 76 I feel blessed to be able to go to the office six days a week and enjoy the quality of life that I do.
This came to mind today when I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in some time - someone I've know since my early days in recovery.
When we first met, he found my eating habits kind of strange. In fact my whole health regimen was a source of amusement.
But because he's facing health issues, he told me that today he eats better and exercises. As a result he's lost weight and is doing better.
I was happy to see him regaining his health and enjoying more energy.
I believe we got sober because we wanted a better life. And, in my opinion, living a better life means means enjoying optimal health.