It came up while he was explaining why he chose to work for us - instead of the larger agency that had offered him a position. A job, by the way, that would have paid $20,000 a year more than we do.
For him it was simple. Before going full-time he'd worked for us part-time. And during that time he found that our focus was on the recovery of our clients. That the client's interests come before everything.
In previous positions he was turned off by the focus on how many client hours the company could bill. It was as if money was the primary goal.
TLC Outpatient Treatment philosophy is an outgrowth of our 23 year old halfway house program. And that program, from day one, opened its doors to any addict who asked for help - whether they had money or not. And it's been that way since - about helping others out of their misery.
Now don't misunderstand. A treatment program must be profitable to survive. And our treatment program is no different.
We bill insurance companies, Plus we have a cash pay option, one of the most affordable in the industry at $3600 a month. It's necessary for us to make a profit to pay for the 15 plus members of our counselling and support team.
But the clients who come here get special attention. They don't need an appointment to see a therapist if they're in crisis. There's not a lot of bureaucracy. Those with physical issues can see the nurse or doctor right away. If they have complaints or other issues they can see the CEO simply by walking upstairs. They're surrounded by a staff of counselors who are in recovery - people who understand and care. They have support on every level.
And that's why clients like to be here and therapists choose to work for us.