For example, what to do when someone we live with relapses one more time? Do we make them leave? Do we have them seek help?
And this can be anyone. A son or daughter. A spouse. A friend. In some cases, even a parent.
On one hand, we want to protect the integrity of our home. And, if we're in recovery we especially want to protect ourselves. Yet, we don't want harm to come to someone we care about.
We don't want to see them homeless. We don't want them to lose their job. Their car. Or their health.
But the reality is, until they find recovery they won't have a chance at a normal life. Eventually, if they continue in their disease, they'll lose everything anyway. Plus their relationship with us.
Those of us in recovery know well the path we took once our disease overwhelmed us. While some of us were smart and recognized right away that we needed help, others didn't.
I was one of the dumb ones. In my case it took a lot of suffering before I decided on recovery.
And I made that decision after those close to me quit helping me. The told me to take a hike. When that happened I knew I had a problem.