Does clean and sober time count if one is in prison?
I once heard a man speaking at a meeting who had recently gotten out of jail.
He'd been away for some time. And though he'd been out for only a few months he said he'd been "sober" for three and half years. And I asked myself a question after he said it.
Does the the time we're locked away count toward our sobriety date? In other words, if we're in a sort of sterile environment does it take much will power to stay clean?
I stayed clean for several years while locked up. Even though drugs were available at a high price.
But it wasn't about staying sober. I wanted to stay out of trouble so I could get out. The concept of sobriety never crossed my mind. And the minute I was out it was on.
I guess in the final analysis it depends on the individual.
I mean there's no record keeper checking off the days we've been clean. And if someone stays sober - whatever the reason - why shouldn't it count? And if they count those days toward their recovery, why not? Really, it’s no one else’s business.
But a different test does come in the real world where one has more freedom to drink and drug.
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