Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Being Responsible

The new TLC client had a litany of complaints.

            "I'm not sure why my boss sent me here," he said, anger on his face. "They're out to get me."

He went on and on about injustices at his place of employment. Other employees had done the same thing - gotten high at work - but none got in trouble. Even though he'd failed drug tests in the past he didn't understand why he was required to go to counseling.

His story mirrors that of many TLC clients. They're in trouble over drugs or alcohol. Either it's with the law or at work. They might have been required to come to our program by their parole or probation officer or their employer. And even though they were told why they they were sent to TLC they say they don't understand what happened.

Of course it's obvious to you who are reading this – or anyone listening – what their problem is.

They don't want to be responsible. It's easier to blame others for bad things that happen. The real issue is finding anyone who'll listen to us.

The foundation of recovery is responsibility.

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