I was listening to an audio book about recovery while riding my bicycle yesterday morning. And I’m recommending it.
The author, Mel Ash, writes of the importance of step nine of the 12-step programs. He says it’s vital that we make amends. But that we should also make amends to the most important person of all: ourselves.
For one person we hurt while using alcohol and drugs was ourselves. Thus, our name must be on our amends list along with the others we harmed.
Some may feel we’re being egotists or self-serving by doing this.
But reflect for a moment. Many of us - me included - damaged our health for life. We robbed ourselves of time with our families. We were poor examples for our children. Many of us spent years in jail over drugs - this writer included. The list of damages is long.
So when we come into the light of recovery we make amends to ourselves.
How so? For starters we forgive ourselves. And as part of the process we resolve to treat ourselves better.
We take advantage of the healing power of meetings. Perhaps we seek therapy to build our self-esteem. We reward ourselves when we do well. We quit beating ourselves down.
Click here to purchase or review "Zen of Recovery."
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