Because we’ve had a few clients relapse over the past few weeks staff members wonder what’s going on. Why the increase? What can we do about it?
Should we change policies? Add more services? What can we do better? Several questions and ideas flow around the table. Because we want success for our clients it’s heartbreaking when one makes the irrational choice to use again.
A challenging reality for us is that we’re an outpatient - rather than an inpatient - program. Because clients live next door in our sober living, they have freedom to come and go - within certain guidelines.
So those who aren’t serious about recovery sometimes revert to old behavior and pick up. But because of our testing program they only last a minute before we catch them.
One staff member reminds us to stay focused. We’ll always have a few clients who aren’t done yet, who have no intention to change.
We must offer our best to all the clients and hope that even the reluctant among them might get the message.
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