I've been managing halfway houses and treatment programs for my 23 years in recovery. And yet I don't think I'll ever become used to the sad calls that come in from those seeking help.
And one came today from a mother in a Southern state.
Her twenty-something son had been using drugs and alcohol since his mid teens.
He's living in the car she loaned him because he's homeless. His stepfather booted him out of the house over missing property. He's constantly in trouble because he's hanging out - and using drugs with - an underage girl.
The son recently left on a trip to another state with three friends. Before leaving, they picked up drugs to hold them over. And before they got far, one of the friends died of an overdose.
She told of loaning him money. And of renting motel rooms for the night so he could take a shower and sleep in a bed. There was resignation in her voice. But I could tell that, in spite of it all, she still loved her child. Even though – in spite of her best efforts - he'd turned into an unrecognizable creature.
I offered our help. Hopefully, she'll be able to convince him to accept it.
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