A client who’s regularly getting in trouble because of his anger asks for suggestions. He says that instead of thinking things through he flies off the handle. He says what’s on his mind at the time. Then later he has to apologize. Or else he gets consequences for his behavior.
Other times he may not have an outburst, but his anger shows in sarcasm and tone.
I suggested that he needs to change his underlying attitude toward others. After all, no matter what someone else says or believes they also deserve respect because they’re human beings.
If I view others - no matter how unworthy they may seem - with compassion, then I’ll treat them better. And when we start treating others better they sometimes transform before our eyes.
I showed him in the 12-step literature where it says “love and tolerance of others is our code.” If we practice what this sentence tells us we’ll find our anger dwindling – maybe even disappearing.
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