Among them was having to blow into it a locking device on her car for two years. At times the device would malfunction or say something like "not human." And when that happened her vehicle wouldn't start. Then she'd be stuck on a work site, often outside of the phone service area.
On top of that, for a time she lived with a man she'd met at a 12-step meeting. They worked and lived together until he started drinking again. At that point she told him to move on, continuing to stay sober herself. And she no longer sees him.
The stepmother marvels at the step daughter's determination in sticking to her sobriety. And the key words she used were that "she will not compromise."
The stepmother marvels at the step daughter's determination in sticking to her sobriety. And the key words she used were that "she will not compromise."
We all could apply these words when facing challenges in recovery.
Because each of us must be uncompromising when life throws us tough situations. For us, the most important thing is our sobriety.
Because each of us must be uncompromising when life throws us tough situations. For us, the most important thing is our sobriety.