SAMSHA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, starts its annual survey of recovery programs.
Each year they send surveys to each of TLC’s properties. The long forms take about a half hour to complete. This is how the government updates its nationwide directory.
And for several years I did the paperwork. But then after a few cycles of this I wondered why. I did the paperwork but TLC wasn’t put in their online directory. So because we weren’t in the directory I started tossing the questionnaires in the trash.
When the surveyors asked why they weren't getting their questionnaires back I told them: we're not in the directory.
They said it was because we need approval from the State. And they gave me the name of the approval person. But in three years she’s never called back - even though we have several licenses and permits across the state.
So, I’m looking forward to phone calls from nice bureaucrats over the next few months. They'll plead with me to spend six or seven hours providing information for their database.
And I’ll practice acceptance by not getting angry at them. Then I’ll say no.