Friday, February 26, 2016


Our more difficult job at TLC - much of the time - is helping clients to communicate effectively.

Yesterday, probably 50% of the day was spent cleaning up communication issues. And none of them would have turned into anything large if people could have kept their egos out of the way.

It all comes down to us taking things personally - thinking that everything that's going on is about us and our issues. My way is the only way and so on.

One thing that constantly creates anger and frustration is when we fail to consider that the other person might have just as much skill as we do.  Or more.

Often our construction workers find themselves at odds because one of them thinks the way he was taught is the only way to do something. The next thing you know the job has stopped because the crew is bickering about the right way to do something.

At the end of the day I sometimes feel like a referee. There are usually no clear winners because the kinds of issues we deal with might have more than one right answer.

But when we deal with each other with respect we each walk away with something.