Monday, February 22, 2016

Find a Path

Are you starting your week with eagerness and joy? Or do you dread the idea of going to your office or job site this morning?

If it's the latter, then maybe it's time to reflect upon your life. Your mission. What are you doing with your time? What excites you? What makes your heart beat? Does what you do make you feel worthwhile?

If what you do with your time seems meaningless, perhaps you should think of giving purpose to your days.

But what purpose you may ask? I have no skills, no education.  Nothing interests me.

This can present a dilemma, but nothing that can’t be overcome with a little effort.

Maybe you can begin by making a list of your interests. Perhaps you could volunteer at a church or non-profit organization Maybe you can take a test that will expose your interests and talents.

The real point of all this is that we shouldn’t spend our precious moments doing something that bores us to death. If you find work that you love you’ll do well at it. At the same time you’ll be contributing your talents to a world that can use your help – whatever it is.

Ask your God, or Higher Power, or the the Universe, to show you your path.  Then follow it.