Saturday, November 5, 2016


On June 10, 2010 I wrote my first blog. The one I'm working on today will be number 2300.

I think in that period of time I accidentally missed one while I was on an airplane flight from Hawaii. I'm not quite sure how that happened. But five hours on an airplane does strange things to me. And on that occasion I believe it did some strange things to my memory because it was only until the next day that I realized that I hadn't posted a blog for the first time in years.

I originally started this project so I could force myself to practice writing every day. And maybe along the way help other addicts and alcoholics get a different perspective on life. And I have succeeded in both, I believe, to some degree.

One thing for sure is that I've met some wonderful people. I've never met them face to face. And in fact I think I've only talked to one or two of them on the telephone in all of this time. Most of those I've met have problems with their children or grandchildren. And I like to think that in some way I've contributed to their ability to deal with them. Maybe even to help them get sober. In any event, I like to be a resource for them. To give something back because a lot of people gave me help along the way.

One of the things I proved to myself while writing this blog is that I truly am obsessive. That's probably why I had such a difficult time getting over my heroin habit – it was an obsession and an addiction. But in this case writing a blog can harm nobody, though maybe once in a while I've offended some people. Unintentionally of course. But sometimes the truth hurts.

For those who follow this I appreciate you doing so. I plan to continue this project as long as I think it's worthwhile to someone out there. I know it helps me stay focused on the idea of recovery. And hopefully my writing has become better and easier to read.