We all have setbacks in life. In fact, my viewpoint is that life always presents us with challenges. In fact, I'm not surprised about challenges. I expect them. The real secret is that we get back up every morning and keep going.
I'm always inspired about the story of Michael Jordan, when he was in high school. He was the most talented person on the team. Yet his coach took him off the team for a year. He told him that if he would come in every morning at a certain hour and practice with him, he would consider him for the following year. Jordan didn't let his ego get in the way. He showed up every day just as the coach had instructed him. And of course the rest is history. He is about to become the first athlete to reach billionaire status.
So what does this have to do with addicts and alcoholics? Because that's primarily who I write this blog for.
Somehow addicts get the idea that they're supposed to feel wonderful all the time. They want to float through life in a state of bliss. And when they run into a little pebble in the road the first thing they do is pick up a drink or a needle.
It takes real guts and hard work to get sober. Yet I've seen thousands succeed. And they succeed because they're tired of the pain. They're tired of going to prison. They're tired of losing relationships. They're tired of having no self-respect. So they summon internal fortitude. They dust off their pants when they get knocked on their butt and start over again.
They have the attitude that they can succeed. And because they have that attitude, they do.